Traffic Incidents related to Stanton Road, Smithfield, QLD

7 Jun, 2013 - 8:00 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle at the intersection of Stanton Road. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
13 Nov, 2012 - 5:20 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: Westbound - One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience. There is a breakdown in the uphill lane above the Waterpoint on the Kuranda Range.
21 Jun, 2013 - 5:27 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Hazard: Signal fault All directions - lights are flashing amber at the intersection of Stanton Road . All lanes affected. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
26 Jun, 2013 - 11:00 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Hazard: Slippery surface All directions - Kuranda Range at the Henry Ross Lookout there is a stationary vehicle and oil spill. All lanes affected. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
29 Oct, 2012 - 11:42 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: Westbound - Partial lane closures. Short delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience. There is a breakdown above the Lookout on the Kuranda Range, towards Kuranda.
24 Oct, 2012 - 2:15 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle All directions - Road closed both directions. Long delays expected. Traffic control on scene. The Kuranda Range will be closed for approximatly one Hour to remove a vehicle
24 Oct, 2012 - 11:30 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle Lane or lanes reduced. Unknown traffic impact. Emergency services are on scene/en-route. There are reports of a CRASH on the Kuranda Range, above the Lookout.
19 Oct, 2012 - 2:29 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Hazard: Signal fault No blockage. No delays expected. Proceed with caution.
11 Jul, 2013 - 6:47 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Multi-vehicle near the Switchback. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
13 Jul, 2013 - 7:52 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Hazard: Spill Both Directions - Both lanes affected. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution. Diesel spill both lanes affected
15 Jul, 2013 - 4:08 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Outbound - between the Caravonica and Smithfield roundabouts. One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
11 Oct, 2012 - 9:20 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Hazard: Spill All directions - Smithfield Roundabout. Both lanes affected. No delays expected. Proceed with caution.
30 Jul, 2013 - 11:17 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Congestion: All directions - Smithfield Roundabout . All lanes affected. Medium delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience.
2 Aug, 2013 - 11:30 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Northbound - at the Smithfield roundabout. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
6 Aug, 2013 - 7:35 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: Outbound - near Avondale Creek. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
18 Sep, 2012 - 6:50 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Yorkeys Knob - Hazard: Debris or vegetation Northbound - Just prior to Yorkey's Knob roundabout. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
8 Aug, 2013 - 1:47 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle All directions - down the bottom of the Kuranda Range. Road closed both directions. Extreme delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience.
8 Aug, 2013 - 2:41 PM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Hazard: Signal fault Both Directions - Lights are flashing yellow at the intersection of Kennedy Highway and Cumberland Avenue. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
8 Aug, 2013 - 8:17 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle All directions - Down the bottom of the Kuranda Range. There is also a diesel spill. Anticipated estimated reopening is approximately 8:45pm tonight. Road closed both directions. Extreme delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience.
13 Aug, 2013 - 9:00 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Multi-vehicle Kuranda Range approximately 4km from the base. Lane or lanes reduced. Medium delays expected. Proceed with caution.
13 Aug, 2013 - 3:33 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Outbound - Smithfield Roundabout. Lane or lanes reduced. No delays expected. Proceed with caution.
5 Sep, 2012 - 1:00 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle Both Directions - One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Emergency services are on scene/en-route. There is a CRASH on the Kuranda Range, near the lookout.
26 Aug, 2013 - 7:08 PM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Both Directions - Kuranda Range. Road closed both directions. Medium delays expected. Proceed with caution. Emergency services are on scene Motorists are urged to show patience
29 Aug, 2012 - 2:44 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Southbound - Smithfield Roundabout. Partial lane closures. No delays expected. Emergency services are on scene/en-route.
29 Aug, 2013 - 7:28 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle at McGregor Road roundabout. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
28 Aug, 2012 - 1:34 PM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Stationary Vehicle: Westbound - Kuranda Range, Henry Ross lookout . One lane blocked. Unknown traffic impact. Allow extra travel time. A vehicle has broken down on the Kuranda Range
3 Sep, 2013 - 3:42 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Outbound - Avondale Creek . One lane blocked. Medium delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience.
22 Aug, 2012 - 3:50 PM
22 Aug, 2012 - 4:00 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Congestion: Northbound - No blockage. Medium delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience. Due to an earlier CRASH on Smithfield Roundabout, delays are occurring on the Captain Cook Hwy & Western Arterial Rd.
6 Sep, 2013 - 9:22 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Inbound - Near Smihfield Roundabout. One lane closed. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
6 Sep, 2013 - 10:06 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Multi-vehicle Outbound - Kuranda Range Just before the switchback . One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Traffic control on scene.
16 Aug, 2012 - 7:27 AM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Single vehicle Westbound - Near Lookout. Partial lane closures. Short delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience.
10 Aug, 2012 - 3:33 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Hazard: Infrastructure damage Both Directions - Outside Tjapukai Cultural Centre. No blockage. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
20 Sep, 2013 - 3:23 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: on Cairns side of the Rex Lookout. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience.
2 Aug, 2012 - 5:08 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Northbound - Smithfield Roundabout. One lane blocked. Medium delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience.
2 Aug, 2012 - 10:23 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: Westbound - One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Traffic control on scene. There is a BREAKDOWN heading uphill above the Lookout.
24 Sep, 2013 - 5:03 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Northbound - Smithfield roundabout . One lane blocked. Medium delays expected. Emergency services are on scene/en-route.
24 Sep, 2013 - 5:09 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Yorkeys Knob - Congestion: Northbound - due to earlier accident. Medium delays expected. Allow extra travel time.
1 Aug, 2012 - 4:52 PM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Congestion: Westbound - Oversized vehicle on Kuranda Range . Both lanes affected. Short delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience. Oversized vehicle has taken a wrong turn onto the Kuranda Range. Vehicle is below lookout heading Westbound
1 Aug, 2012 - 3:40 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Inbound - near Shell Petrol Station . No blockage. No delays expected. Proceed with caution.
24 Jul, 2012 - 4:45 PM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Northbound - Partial lane closures. No delays expected. Proceed with caution. There is a CRASH on the Captain Cook Hwy, on Avondale Ck Bridge approaching Smithfield Roundabout. Minor delays are occuring.
3 Oct, 2013 - 9:08 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Inbound - at the Smithfield roundabout. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
24 Jul, 2012 - 1:11 PM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Hazard: Fire Kuranda Range below lookout. All lanes affected. Short delays expected. Emergency services are on scene/en-route.
22 Jul, 2012 - 8:59 AM
Mcgregor Road, Smithfield - Hazard: Animal or wildlife All lanes affected. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
8 Oct, 2013 - 9:19 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle near JCU underpass. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
19 Jul, 2012 - 12:57 PM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Stationary Vehicle: Westbound - 1 Kilometre below lookout . One lane blocked. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
19 Jul, 2012 - 9:08 AM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Kuranda Range below lookout . One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Emergency services are on scene/en-route.
19 Jul, 2012 - 7:01 AM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Stationary Vehicle: Westbound - Kuranda Range lookout . One lane blocked. Unknown traffic impact. Traffic control on scene.
12 Jul, 2012 - 11:24 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Hazard: Debris or vegetation Westbound - Both lanes affected. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
15 Oct, 2013 - 7:40 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Multi-vehicle at the switchback. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
16 Oct, 2013 - 2:41 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: broken down bus uphill near the Henry Ross Lookout . Partial lane closures. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
10 Jul, 2012 - 3:26 PM
17 Oct, 2013 - 10:55 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Northeast bound - at the Smithfield roundabout. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.
10 Jul, 2012 - 11:25 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Multi-vehicle Partial lane closures. Short delays expected. Allow extra travel time. Approximately 2-3km west of the lookout
10 Jul, 2012 - 7:38 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle Inbound - One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Allow extra travel time. There is a CRASH on the Kuranda Range, near the Lookout, heading downhill.
9 Jul, 2012 - 6:40 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle Both Directions - The crash is half way up the range.. Road closed both directions. Medium delays expected. Proceed with caution.
9 Jul, 2012 - 7:40 AM
9 Jul, 2012 - 8:37 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Hazard: Spill Both Directions - No blockage. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution. There are reports of a SPILL on the Kuranda Range at various locations.
22 Oct, 2013 - 6:10 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle Southbound - near the switchback. One lane blocked. Medium delays expected. Proceed with caution.
5 Jul, 2012 - 1:34 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Hazard: Fire Both Directions - Two lanes blocked. Medium delays expected. Emergency services are on scene/en-route. Kuranda Range CLOSED due to car fire, approx 1km above the Lookout.
22 Oct, 2013 - 4:44 PM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Both Directions - 1km east of the Smithfield roundabout. All lanes affected. Long delays expected. Seek alternative transport method.
23 Oct, 2013 - 9:40 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Eastbound - at the Smithfield Roundabout. Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Emergency services are on scene/en-route.
24 Oct, 2013 - 8:33 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Southbound - No blockage. No delays expected. Proceed with caution.
30 Jun, 2012 - 10:33 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: Westbound - Lane or lanes reduced. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution. Broken down car with trailer.
29 Jun, 2012 - 5:10 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Hazard: Slippery surface (Kuranda Range). No blockage. Unknown traffic impact. Proceed with caution.
27 Jun, 2012 - 9:24 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Single vehicle Northbound - Smithfield Roundabout. Both lanes affected. Medium delays expected. Traffic control on scene. Delays may be experienced whilst veichle is been towed
27 Jun, 2012 - 7:30 AM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Inbound - just past the lookout . One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Allow extra travel time.
26 Jun, 2012 - 5:31 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: Southeast bound - One lane blocked. Medium delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience. There is a BREAKDOWN on the Kuranda Range, heading downhill near Rainforestation.
26 Jun, 2012 - 8:13 AM
Kennedy Highway, Smithfield - Crash: Multi-vehicle Westbound - half way up the Kuranda Range. One lane blocked. Short delays expected. Traffic control on scene.
1 Nov, 2013 - 9:30 AM
Captain Cook Highway, Smithfield - Hazard: Signal fault All directions - lights are flashing yellow at the Caravonica roundabout. Unknown traffic impact.
19 Jun, 2012 - 2:33 PM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Stationary Vehicle: Northwest bound - One lane blocked. Medium delays expected. Motorists are urged to show patience. There is a BREAKDOWN on the Kuranda Range, approximately 2kms heading uphill. Delays can be experienced.
12 Nov, 2013 - 5:26 AM
Kennedy Highway, Macalister Range - Crash: Single vehicle Westbound - Kuranda Range. No blockage. Short delays expected. Proceed with caution.